Drug Addiction in Adolescents
By the time adolescents reach their senior year, up to 70% have tried alcohol, and over 20% have used a prescription drug for non medical purposes. Adolescents are biologically wired to seek out new experiences and take risks without fear. This makes adolescents prone to developing an addiction to illicit drugs and alcohol. This time is critical for adolescents due to their developing brain and often times lack of maturity.
As adolescents continue to experiment with these illicit substances, addiction becomes more likely. The more that they experience the effects of substances, the harder time they’ll have of saying no. Continued use can result in failure in school, problems in relationships, changes in mood, and an increase in health problems.
Types of Adolescent Addiction Treatment Centers
How to Help your Adolescent
If you believe your adolescent has an addiction to an illicit substance, don’t panic. There are options for your child and your family in battling addiction. Begin your search today to find the best adolescent addiction treatment center or luxury rehab for your loved one.