Holistic healing is worlds apart from the typical addiction treatment programs. These treatments involve every part of the client, helping them recognize that they are more than their addiction.
Poor physical health is one side effect of substance use disorders. Making your body stronger by restoring normal sleep and weight is essential. But, spiritual well-being is necessary, too.
Without positive thinking and motivation, medication and behavioral shifts won’t help. Recovery is about addressing the root of the addictive behavior, including the client’s emotional and mental wellbeing.
The Use of a Holistic Healing Program in Addiction Treatment
A holistic healing program for addiction treatment is different from other forms of treatment. Holism is the philosophy that systems should be considered as a whole instead of separately or as a collection of parts.
Using this philosophy, our holistic healing approach treats the whole client—including mental and social factors in that client’s life—rather than simply treating their symptoms.
Holistic Healing Treats the Whole Person
The holistic approach sees the client as an entire person rather than an addict. This approach is known as comprehensive care and considers the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual components of a person.
When treated wholly (i.e., as a whole person), clients can achieve permanent recovery. For addiction treatment, many facilities will focus on addiction instead of underlying issues. Often, addiction starts as a way to combat trauma or another problem.
If there are unresolved triggers, it will motivate clients to relapse. By addressing all aspects, including spiritual, the client is guided towards sobriety.
Holistic Healing Redirects Negativity
Negative energy plays a large role in addiction and relapse. Often, people struggling with substance use disorders are overwhelmed with feelings of negativity. They will battle anxiety and depression, leaving them feeling hopeless.
These feelings may stem from childhood trauma, as well as feelings of doom and gloom. With a holistic approach, clients will learn how to redirect their negative energy. We offer a range of methods to ensure that this is possible, including:
Each of our holistic therapies will approach recovery differently. If a client feels hopeless often, engaging in mindfulness therapy can help them.
Holistic Healing Works Towards Stress-Relief
Many people with substance use disorders also have some level of anxiety. Anxiousness and fear can lead a client to relapse since the client would wish to reduce those uneasy or uncomfortable feelings on the spot.
Being overwhelmed is another condition clients need to work through to strengthen their recovery. Most people who get overwhelmed feel uncomfortable as a result. If clients in recovery find themselves in highly stressful situations, they may turn to former coping methods.
With this approach, clients use art, music, or wilderness to mitigate negative feelings.